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New reviews about business services in Henderson, Colorado

  • ☆ ☆
    While a review of a gas station is a bit much, I shall categorize this as a tip... For some reason, this location (and only THIS location) doesn't like to honor the "corporate-wide" discounts offered to professional/fleet drivers. In fact, it is an anomaly to purchase fuel here & have it documented accordingly (not to mention, this also means no fuel points accrue & no discount is received). I rely on the simple, honest practice of their proper documention (i.e., scanning my fleet card). After all, if I were to use this station exclusively there would ultimately be some $10k in missed tax deductions. On the other hand, most would be more concerned about being cheated out of their 3-40ยข/gal. discount (like your KingSoopers card, for example-- this, too, is part of Shell's Fuel Rewards Loyalty Program). If not for having money slyly stolen from me, literally a dime at a time, then several hundred bucks of excess taxes when Uncle Sam comes screaming... Well, then I'd five star the joint. (When, not IF, this happens to you, call them out on it- they take it personally as if you just called them a THIEF, when merely mentioning that your points/eReceipt didn't run thru). Eventually they may get tired of the spectacle of a charade that ensues with claims of "it went thru, nothing I can do now!" and will then back off their scamming. Wishful thinking? Nah...just too much time wasted typing a gas station review. :)
    By Zachary Christian, February 15, 2018

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